Thakur, Monika’s team published research in Pregnancy hypertension in 2020-05-29 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Pregnancy hypertension published new progress about Acute severe hypertension; Doppler; Intravenous labetalol; Nifedipine; Pregnancy; Renal artery; Uterine artery. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Product Details of C17H18N2O6.

Thakur, Monika published the artcileTo study the changes in maternal hemodynamics with intravenous labetalol or nifedipine in acute severe hypertension., Product Details of C17H18N2O6, the main research area is Acute severe hypertension; Doppler; Intravenous labetalol; Nifedipine; Pregnancy; Renal artery; Uterine artery.

OBJECTIVE: To study the maternal hemodynamic changes in acute severe hypertension after treatment with intravenous labetalol or oral nifedipine using color doppler ultrasound. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated thirty pregnant women with gestational age between 28 and 40 weeks in acute severe hypertension (more than or equal to 160/105 mmHg) which were randomly allocated to receive either intravenous labetalol or oral nifedipine until blood pressure was lowered to less than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. Doppler vascular indices namely pulsatility index, resistance index, S/D ratio of bilateral uterine arteries and maternal renal artery were measured baseline at the time of acute severe hypertension and repeated after control of blood pressure, to assess the changes in maternal hemodynamics if any with labetalol or nifedipine. RESULTS: When evaluating right uterine artery Doppler parameters, a trend to increase in PI and RI was observed in those who received labetalol and nifedipine however the difference was not statistically significant. Whereas, while evaluating left uterine artery indices a trend to decrease PI was seen in nifedipine group but the difference was not statistically significant. On intergroup comparison there was no any significant change in any of uterine artery as well as renal artery indices in either group. CONCLUSION: The use of labetalol and nifedipine were not related to any significant changes in maternal Doppler, which is reassuring about the safety of these drugs when treating acute severe hypertension in pregnancy.

Pregnancy hypertension published new progress about Acute severe hypertension; Doppler; Intravenous labetalol; Nifedipine; Pregnancy; Renal artery; Uterine artery. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Product Details of C17H18N2O6.

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Luks, Andrew M’s team published research in Annals of the American Thoracic Society in 2020 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Annals of the American Thoracic Society published new progress about acetazolamide; acute respiratory distress syndrome; coronavirus disease; high-altitude pulmonary edema; nifedipine. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate.

Luks, Andrew M published the artcileCOVID-19 Lung Injury and High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema. A False Equation with Dangerous Implications., Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, the main research area is acetazolamide; acute respiratory distress syndrome; coronavirus disease; high-altitude pulmonary edema; nifedipine.

Amid efforts to care for the large number of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), there has been considerable speculation about whether the lung injury seen in these patients is different than acute respiratory distress syndrome from other causes. One idea that has garnered considerable attention, particularly on social media and in free open-access medicine, is the notion that lung injury due to COVID-19 is more similar to high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). Drawing on this concept, it has also been proposed that treatments typically employed in the management of HAPE and other forms of acute altitude illness-pulmonary vasodilators and acetazolamide-should be considered for COVID-19. Despite some similarities in clinical features between the two entities, such as hypoxemia, radiographic opacities, and altered lung compliance, the pathophysiological mechanisms of HAPE and lung injury due to COVID-19 are fundamentally different, and the entities cannot be viewed as equivalent. Although of high utility in the management of HAPE and acute mountain sickness, systemically delivered pulmonary vasodilators and acetazolamide should not be used in the treatment of COVID-19, as they carry the risk of multiple adverse consequences, including worsened ventilation-perfusion matching, impaired carbon dioxide transport, systemic hypotension, and increased work of breathing.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society published new progress about acetazolamide; acute respiratory distress syndrome; coronavirus disease; high-altitude pulmonary edema; nifedipine. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate.

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Bhattarai, Anjan’s team published research in Wilderness & environmental medicine in 2019-01-11 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Wilderness & environmental medicine published new progress about acetazolamide; acute mountain sickness; altitude illness. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Synthetic Route of 21829-25-4.

Bhattarai, Anjan published the artcileDelayed-Onset High Altitude Pulmonary Edema: A Case Report., Synthetic Route of 21829-25-4, the main research area is acetazolamide; acute mountain sickness; altitude illness.

High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a life-threatening altitude illness that usually occurs in insufficiently acclimatized climbers in the first few days at altitudes above 2500 m. Acetazolamide is recommended for prophylaxis of acute mountain sickness, but a role for acetazolamide in the prevention of HAPE has not been established. We report a case of a trekker with previous high altitude experience who developed HAPE 8 d after arrival to altitude despite what was believed to be a conservative ascent profile.

Wilderness & environmental medicine published new progress about acetazolamide; acute mountain sickness; altitude illness. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Synthetic Route of 21829-25-4.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Jayant, Satyam Singh’s team published research in Hormones (Athens, Greece) in 2020-07-22 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Hormones (Athens, Greece) published new progress about AAAS gene; ACTH resistance; Achalasia; Amyotrophy; Triple A syndrome. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, COA of Formula: C17H18N2O6.

Jayant, Satyam Singh published the artcileTriple A (Allgrove) syndrome due to AAAS gene mutation with a rare association of amyotrophy., COA of Formula: C17H18N2O6, the main research area is AAAS gene; ACTH resistance; Achalasia; Amyotrophy; Triple A syndrome.

INTRODUCTION: Triple A (Allgrove) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cardinal features of primary adrenal insufficiency (AI) due to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) resistance, achalasia, and alacrima. It is frequently associated with neurological manifestations such as autonomic dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction, cranial nerve, or motor involvement. Amyotrophy/motor neuron disease is a rare association. CASE PRESENTATION: We herein report a 19-year-old boy diagnosed with triple A syndrome (TAS), with the classic triad of ACTH-resistant adrenal insufficiency, achalasia, and alacrima. Additionally, he had distal spinal muscle amyotrophy. Alacrima was the earliest feature evident in early childhood, followed by achalasia at 12 years of age. He was diagnosed with AI at the age of 19 years, with involvement of the mineralocorticoid axis. Further evaluation showed a neurogenic pattern on electromyography, consistent with a diagnosis of motor neuron disease. A nerve conduction study revealed no significant neuropathy. Genetic analysis confirmed a pathogenic homozygous mutation in the AAAS gene c.43C>A, p.Gln15Lys. He improved with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid supplements for AI, and nifedipine for achalasia and artificial tears. He is planned for esophagomyotomy. CONCLUSION: In any young patient with AI not due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Allgrove syndrome should be ruled out. Though mineralocorticoid sparing pattern is classical, it can rarely be involved, as seen in the index case. Various components of the syndrome, as well as amyotrophy and other neurologic features, may present in a metachronous fashion. Hence, a high index of clinical suspicion can aid in early diagnosis and management.

Hormones (Athens, Greece) published new progress about AAAS gene; ACTH resistance; Achalasia; Amyotrophy; Triple A syndrome. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, COA of Formula: C17H18N2O6.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Hollingworth, Samantha A.’s team published research in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders in 2022-12-31 | CAS: 21829-25-4

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders published new progress about (PubMed MESH terms); Antihypertensive medicines; Ghana; Hypertension; Nigeria; Pharmacoepidemiology. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Related Products of pyridine-derivatives.

Hollingworth, Samantha A. published the artcileAntihypertensive medicine use differs between Ghana and Nigeria, Related Products of pyridine-derivatives, the main research area is (PubMed MESH terms); Antihypertensive medicines; Ghana; Hypertension; Nigeria; Pharmacoepidemiology.

Abstract: Background: Non-communicable diseases are a growing burden in many African countries; cardiovascular disease is the main disease. Antihypertensive medicines (AHM) are a common treatment option but we know little about community use in most low- and medium-income countries (LMIC). We aimed to describe the use of antihypertensive medicines (AHM) in Ghana and Nigeria using a novel data source. Methods: We used data from mPharma-a health and pharmaceutical company which distributes pharmaceuticals to hospital and retail pharmacies. We extracted data using the anatomical therapeutic chem. (ATC) classification codes and calculated use in defined daily doses and explored patterns by class, medicines, dose, and originator or generic product. Results: AHM use differed between Ghana and Nigeria. The most used classes in Ghana were angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) followed by calcium channel blockers (CCB) and angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). The five most used products were 16 mg candesartan, 30 mg nifedipine, 10 mg lisinopril, 5 mg amlodipine and 50 mg losartan. In Nigeria ARB, CCB and diuretics were widely used; the top five products were 50 mg losartan, 10 mg lisinopril, 30 mg nifedipine, 40 mg furosemide, and 5 mg amlodipine. More originator products were used in Ghana than Nigeria. Conclusion: The differences between Ghana and Nigeria may result from a combination of medical, contextual and policy evidence and reflect factors related to clin. guidance (e.g. standard treatment guidelines), accessibility to prescribers and the role of community pharmacies, and structure of the health system and universal health coverage including funding for medicines. We show the feasibility of using novel data sources to gain insights on medicines use in the community.

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders published new progress about (PubMed MESH terms); Antihypertensive medicines; Ghana; Hypertension; Nigeria; Pharmacoepidemiology. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Related Products of pyridine-derivatives.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Wollinger, Wagner’s team published research in Chromatographia in 2012 | CAS: 133627-45-9

Chromatographia published new progress about HPLC. 133627-45-9 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine, and the molecular formula is C6H7ClN2, Name: 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine.

Wollinger, Wagner published the artcileSimultaneous Determination of Assay and Related Substances in Nevirapine Suspension by HPLC, Name: 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine, the main research area is nevirapine impurity suspension HPLC UV detection.

The USP HPLC method for quant. determination of nevirapine in suspension formulations was evaluated to determine its ability to resolve nevirapine and its major related impurities. The method was modified and an overall satisfactory resolution for all components was obtained by changing the column temperature to 25°, the organic modifier to methanol, the mobile phase ratio to 50 %, adding 1% HCl into the diluents, decreasing the flow rate from 1.5 to 1.2 mL mL-1 and using an isocratic mode. The related organic impurities were synthesized in high yield. The method is shown to be linear with coefficient of determination around 0.999 to nevirapine (Nvp) and related impurities were resolved using a mobile phase of potassium phosphate/phosphoric acid buffer (pH 2.5; 10 mM)/methanol (50:50, volume/volume) on a BDS Hypersil C18 5 μm, 250 × 4.6 mm column. Accuracy ranged from 100.2 to 101.1 % and 100.0 to 100.5 % for nevirapine and related impurities, resp. Repeatability from all experiments achieved RSD values <0.95 %. The detection and quantification limits were determined in the level of ng mL-1. This method easily separated all known impurities synthesized and can be employed for routine anal. of suspension containing nevirapine in the presence of its impurities. Chromatographia published new progress about HPLC. 133627-45-9 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine, and the molecular formula is C6H7ClN2, Name: 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine.

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Li, Q. Chan’s team published research in Journal of Chromatographic Science in 2000-06-30 | CAS: 133627-45-9

Journal of Chromatographic Science published new progress about HPLC. 133627-45-9 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine, and the molecular formula is C6H7ClN2, Application In Synthesis of 133627-45-9.

Li, Q. Chan published the artcileValidation of a high-performance liquid chromatography method for the assay of and determination of related organic impurities in nevirapine drug substance, Application In Synthesis of 133627-45-9, the main research area is HPLC impurity determination nevirapine; liquid chromatog nevirapine impurity determination.

Nevirapine (Viramune), a dipyridiodiazepinone, is a potent and highly specific nonnucleoside inhibitor of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. This study described the validation of a specific, sensitive, and a stability-indicating HPLC method for the determination of related organic impurities in nevirapine drug substance. This method used a Supelcosil LC-ABZ column, a mobile phase of 20:80 MeCN-pH 5.0 25-mM NH4H2PO4 and UV detection at 220 nm. This method was validated for specificity, linearity, accuracy, repeatability, detection limit, quantitation limit, stability of analyte solutions, robustness, and intermediate precision. Nevirapine was completely separated from all impurities. The method was linear with coefficients of determination >0.999. Average accuracy was 100.4% with a relative standard deviation of 0.7% for the assay. Accuracy ranges from 100.1 to 102.6% for related organic impurities. The repeatability was good, with relative standard deviations �.4%. The detection limit and the quantitation limit were 0.001 and 0.003%, resp. Relative response factors of known organic impurities were determined, permitting the use of nevirapine at the 0.1% level as an external standard for the quantitation of these impurities. Analyte solutions were stable for at least 2 days at ambient temperature The method was validated as robust, and intermediate precision was high. A system suitability test was developed and validated, and requirements were set. (c) 2000 Preston Publications.

Journal of Chromatographic Science published new progress about HPLC. 133627-45-9 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is 2-Chloro-4-methylpyridin-3-amine, and the molecular formula is C6H7ClN2, Application In Synthesis of 133627-45-9.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Hoffmann, Tal’s team published research in Experimental Neurology in 2021-12-31 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Experimental Neurology published new progress about Axon. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate.

Hoffmann, Tal published the artcilePainful diabetic neuropathy leads to functional Cav3.2 expression and spontaneous activity in skin nociceptors of mice, Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, the main research area is painful diabetic neuropathy CaV expression spontaneous activity skin nociceptor; Calcitonin gene-related peptide; Excitability; Neuropathic pain; Neuropeptide release; Sciatic nerve; T-type calcium channel; TTA-P2.

Painful diabetic neuropathy occurs in approx. 20% of diabetic patients with underlying pathomechanisms not fully understood. We evaluated the contribution of the Cav3.2 isoform of T-type calcium channel to hyperglycemia-induced changes in cutaneous sensory C-fiber functions and neuropeptide release employing the streptozotocin (STZ) diabetes model in congenic mouse strains including global knockouts (KOs). Hyperglycemia established for 3-5 wk in male C57BL/6J mice led to major reorganizations in peripheral C-fiber functions. Unbiased electrophysiol. screening of mechanosensitive single-fibers in isolated hairy hindpaw skin revealed a relative loss of (polymodal) heat sensing in favor of cold sensing. In healthy Cav3.2 KO mice both heat and cold sensitivity among the C-fibers seemed underrepresented in favor of exclusive mechanosensitivity, low-threshold in particular, which deficit became significant in the diabetic KOs. Diabetes also led to a marked increase in the incidence of spontaneous discharge activity among the C-fibers of wildtype mice, which was reduced by the specific Cav3.2 blocker TTA-P2 and largely absent in the KOs. Evaluation restricted to the peptidergic class of nerve fibers – measuring KCl-stimulated CGRP release – revealed a marked reduction in the sciatic nerve by TTA-P2 in healthy but not diabetic wildtypes, the latter showing CGRP release that was as much reduced as in healthy and, to the same extent, in diabetic Cav3.2 KOs. These data suggest that diabetes abrogates all Cav3.2 functionality in the peripheral nerve axons. In striking contrast, diabetes markedly increased the KCl-stimulated CGRP release from isolated hairy skin of wildtypes but not KO mice, and TTA-P2 reversed this increase, strongly suggesting a de novo expression of Cav3.2 in peptidergic cutaneous nerve endings which may contribute to the enhanced spontaneous activity. De-glycosylation by neuraminidase showed clear desensitizing effects, both in regard to spontaneous activity and stimulated CGRP release, but included actions independent of Cav3.2. However, as diabetes-enhanced glycosylation is decisive for intra-axonal trafficking, it may account for the substantial reorganizations of the Cav3.2 distribution. The results may strengthen the validation of Cav3.2 channel as a therapeutic target of treating painful diabetic neuropathy.

Experimental Neurology published new progress about Axon. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Application of Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Zhao, Junli’s team published research in Frontiers in Pharmacology in 2020 | CAS: 21829-25-4

Frontiers in Pharmacology published new progress about Heart. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Category: pyridine-derivatives.

Zhao, Junli published the artcileBerberine mediated positive inotropic effects on rat hearts via a Ca2+-dependent mechanism, Category: pyridine-derivatives, the main research area is berberine inotropic agent heart calcium; Ca2+; Na+; berberine; heart; positive inotropic effect.

Previous studies showed that berberine, an alkaloid from Coptis Chinensis Franch, might exert a pos. inotropic effect on the heart. However, the underlying mechanisms were unclear. Here, we reported that berberine at 10-20μM increased the left ventricular (LV) developed pressure and the maximal rate of the pressure rising, and it increased the maximal rate of the pressure descending at 20μM in Langendorff-perfused isolated rat hearts. These effects diminished with the concentration of berberine increasing to 50μM. In the concentration range of 50-300μM, berberine increased the isometric tension of isolated left ventricular muscle (LVM) strips with or without elec. stimulations, and it (30-300μM) also increased the intracellular Ca2+ level in the isolated LV myocytes. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ hindered the berberine-induced increases in the tension of LVM strips and the intracellular Ca2+ level of LV myocytes. These suggested that berberine might exert its pos. inotropic effects via enhancing Ca2+ influx. The blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) with nifedipine significantly attenuated 300 mM berberine-induced tension increase in LVM strips but not the increase in the intracellular Ca2+ level. Berberine (300 mM) further increased the LVM tension following the treatment with the LTCC opener FPL-64716 (10 mM), indicating an LTCC-independent effect of berberine. Lowering extracellular Na+ attenuated the berberine-induced increases in both the tension of LVM strips and the intracellular Ca2+ level of LV myocytes. In conclusion, berberine might exert a pos. inotropic effect on the isolated rat heart by enhancing the Ca2+ influx in LV myocytes; these were extracellular Na+ -dependent.

Frontiers in Pharmacology published new progress about Heart. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Category: pyridine-derivatives.

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Zhao, Lixiang’s team published research in International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Amsterdam, Netherlands) in 2021-04-15 | CAS: 21829-25-4

International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Amsterdam, Netherlands) published new progress about Drugs. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Category: pyridine-derivatives.

Zhao, Lixiang published the artcileElectrospun fixed dose combination fibers for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, Category: pyridine-derivatives, the main research area is electrospun fibers cardiovascular disease; Amorphous solid dispersion; Electrospinning; Fixed dose combination; Nanofiber; Nifedipine; Spironolactone.

Fixed dose combinations (FDCs) offer an accessible way to simplify complex therapeutic regimens by the simultaneous presentation of multiple drugs in a single entity to the patient. However, encapsulation of hydrophobic drugs into FDCs possess a number of tech. challenges. Electrospinning comprises a convenient way to incorporate multiple hydrophobic drugs into a single formulation in a single step, via the use of an appropriate organic solvent system during fabrication. In this study, we report a series of novel fiber formulations comprising Et cellulose loaded with two hydrophobic drugs, spironolactone and nifedipine, either individually or in combination. The drugs are found to be present in the fibers in the form of amorphous solid dispersions, and these are stable at room temperature for 4 mo. The products showed extended release profiles over more than 30 h. This formulation strategy offers potential to manage chronic cardiovascular conditions and overcome patient related non-adherence by providing a simplified treatment model.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Amsterdam, Netherlands) published new progress about Drugs. 21829-25-4 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is Dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C17H18N2O6, Category: pyridine-derivatives.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem