Takale, Balaram S.; Thakore, Ruchita R.; Handa, Sachin; Gallou, Fabrice; Reilly, John; Lipshutz, Bruce H. published the artcile< A new, substituted palladacycle for ppm level Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura cross couplings in water>, Recommanded Product: 3-Chloro-2-methoxypyridine, the main research area is biarene preparation green chem; halide aryl boronic acid Suzuki Miyaura coupling palladium catalyst.
A newly engineered palladacycle that contains substituents on the biphenyl rings along with the ligand HandaPhos is especially well-matched to an aqueous micellar medium, enabling valued Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of aryl halides RX (R = 2-O2NC6H4, 1-benzothiophen-2-yl, 2-fluoropyridin-3-yl, etc.; X = Cl, Br, I) and aryl boronic acids R1B(OH)2 (R1 = 4-ClC6H4, 1-benzofuran-2-yl, pyren-1-yl, etc.) to be run not only in water under mild conditions, but at 300 ppm of Pd catalyst. This general methodol. has been applied to several targets in the pharmaceutical area. Multiple recyclings of the aqueous reaction mixture involving both the same as well as different coupling partners are demonstrated. Low temperature microscopy (cryo-TEM) indicates the nature and size of the particles acting as nanoreactors. Importantly, given the low loadings of Pd invested per reaction, ICP-MS analyses of residual palladium in the products show levels to be expected that are well within FDA allowable limits.
Chemical Science published new progress about Aryl halides Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 13472-84-9 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, and the molecular formula is C6H6ClNO, Recommanded Product: 3-Chloro-2-methoxypyridine.