Koller, Sebastian team published research in Helvetica Chimica Acta in 2021 | 5315-25-3

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., COA of Formula: C6H6BrN

Pyridine is colorless, but older or impure samples can appear yellow. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. The pyridine ring occurs in many important compounds, including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and vitamins. Historically, pyridine was produced from coal tar. COA of Formula: C6H6BrN.

Koller, Sebastian;Klein, Philippe;Reinhardt, Katja;Ochmann, Lukas;Seitz, Antonia;Jandl, Christian;Pothig, Alexander;Hintermann, Lukas research published 《 New Access Routes to Privileged and Chiral Ligands for Transition-Metal Catalyzed Hydrogen Autotransfer (Borrowing Hydrogen), Dehydrogenative Condensation, and Alkene Isomerization Reactions》, the research content is summarized as follows. A group of transition-metal catalyzed hydrogen moving reactions, encompassing hydrogen autotransfer (HAT; also called borrowing hydrogen, BH), dehydrogenative condensation (DHC) and alkene isomerization, displays high atom economy and relies on widely available starting materials. Such reactions have considerable potential for clean reaction design and application in sustainable synthesis. With the aim to develop and study synthetic applications of the title reactions, authors have set up synthetic access routes to a toolbox of structurally varied ligands for and pincer complexes of some transition metals (cobalt, ruthenium, iridium) that are well established for the title reactions. Ligand target structures, for which often improved syntheses have been found, encompass 6,6′-dihydroxy-2,2′-bipyridine, 2(3-hydroxyphenyl)pyridines (as backbones for PCN pincers), 2(6-methylpyridine-2-yl)pyridines (as backbones for PNN pincers) and 2(3-tolyl)pyridines (as backbones for PCN pincers). To support research towards asym. versions of the title reactions, they have prepared asym. modified versions of well-established catalysts, including chiral, enantiopure versions of Milstein’s PNN-ruthenium pincer, Kempe’s triazinyl-diaminophosphanyl PNP-iridium- or -cobalt pincers, Huang’s PCN-iridium pincers, and Grotjahn’s alkene zipper complex. The strategy applied to ‘chiral switching’ relied on replacing sym. dialkylphosphine donor-groups by dimenthylphosphine or aryl(menthyl)phosphine donor units. The resulting ligands or complexes have been structurally characterized, and the catalytic potential of the catalysts has been established in exploratory model reactions (transfer hydrogenation; diol to lactone dehydrogenative condensation; alkene isomerization). Several model reactions have been designed which will allow to study asym. catalytic hydrogen moving reactions.

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., COA of Formula: C6H6BrN

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem