Zhou, Deliang published the artcileAssessing physical stability risk using the amorphous classification system (ACS) based on simple thermal analysis, Synthetic Route of 72509-76-3, the main research area is phys stability risk amorphous classification thermal analysis; amorphous classification system (ACS); amorphous solid dispersions (ASD); configurational entropy; crystallization; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); molecular mobility; physical stability; risk assessment.
The purpose of this study is to develop a classification system utilizing milligram amounts of the compound for phys. stability ranking of amorphous pharmaceuticals, which can be used as an early risk assessment tool for amorphous solid dispersion formulations. Simple thermal anal. utilizing a differential scanning calorimeter is used to characterize amorphous pharmaceuticals with respect to their mol. mobility and configurational entropy. Mol. mobility and configurational entropy are considered as two critical factors in determining the phys. stability of amorphous phases. Theor. arguments and numerical simulations suggest that the fragility strength parameter is a good indicator of the mol. mobility below Tg, and the heat capacity change at Tg is a good indicator of the configurational entropy. Using these two indicators, 40 structurally diverse pharmaceuticals with known phys. stability were analyzed. Four classes of compounds are defined with class I being the most stable and class IV the least stable. The proposed amorphous classification system and methodol. for estimating mol. mobility and configurational entropy provides an easily accessible framework to conduct early risk assessments related to phys. stability challenges in developing amorphous formulations.
Molecular Pharmaceutics published new progress about Amorphous materials. 72509-76-3 belongs to class pyridine-derivatives, name is 3-Ethyl 5-methyl 4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, and the molecular formula is C18H19Cl2NO4, Synthetic Route of 72509-76-3.