Jing, Hua-qing team published research on Tetrahedron Letters in 2020 | 5315-25-3

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine

In contrast to benzene, Pyridine’s electron density is not evenly distributed over the ring, reflecting the negative inductive effect of the nitrogen atom. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. For this reason, pyridine has a dipole moment and a weaker resonant stabilization than benzene (resonance energy 117 kJ·mol−1 in pyridine vs. 150 kJ·mol−1 in benzene). Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine.

Jing, Hua-qing;Li, Hong-liang;Antilla, Jon C. research published 《 Acylation of 2-benzylpyridine N-oxides and subsequent in situ [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement reaction》, the research content is summarized as follows. An effective method for the acylation of 2-benzylpyridine N-oxides and their fast in situ [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement was reported. This transformation has a wide substrate scope under mild conditions, giving moderate to excellent yields. The application for the synthesis of chiral phenyl-2-pyridylmethanol products was briefly explored. Furthermore, an interesting example of tandem substitution and in situ [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 2-benzylpyridine N-oxide with benzenecarboximidoyl chloride was reported.

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Joseph, Mohammed Cassiem team published research on Applied Organometallic Chemistry in 2020 | 5315-25-3

Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH−) replaced by a nitrogen atom. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. It is a highly flammable, weakly alkaline, water-miscible liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like smell. Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine.

Joseph, Mohammed Cassiem;Swarts, Andrew John;Mapolie, Selwyn Frank research published 《 Palladium (II) complexes chelated by 1-substituted-4-pyridyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole ligands as catalyst precursors for selective ethylene dimerization》, the research content is summarized as follows. A series of neutral as well as cationic palladium Me complexes bearing 1-substituted-4-pyridyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole ligands were prepared and fully characterized by a range of anal. techniques. Conventional and 2D NMR spectroscopy as well as single-crystal X-ray diffraction anal. unambiguously determined the mol. structure of the complexes. The neutral complexes activated by methylaluminoxane were found to be effective catalysts in the ethylene dimerization reaction. The catalyst performance of the in-situ-generated active species was compared with the discrete cationic complexes of the same ligand scaffold. Activities and selectivities for the two systems were remarkably similar, pointing to similarities in the nature of the active species. Both catalytic systems showed a strong correlation of activity and selectivity with the nature of the ligand scaffold. Highest activities were attained when electron-withdrawing groups were incorporated into the triazole ring, while increasing steric bulk in the ortho-position on the pyridyl ring of the ligand led to the almost exclusive dimerization of ethylene with selectivities up to 94% observed toward 1-butene.

Name: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Handa, Sachin team published research on ACS Catalysis in 2019 | 5315-25-3

COA of Formula: C6H6BrN, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

The critical parameters of pyridine are pressure 6.70 MPa, temperature 620 K and volume 229 cm3·mol−1. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. In the temperature range 340–426 °C its vapor pressure p can be described with the Antoine equation.. COA of Formula: C6H6BrN.

Handa, Sachin;Jin, Bo;Bora, Pranjal P.;Wang, Ye;Zhang, Xiaohua;Gallou, Fabrice;Reilly, John;Lipshutz, Bruce H. research published 《 Sonogashira Couplings Catalyzed by Fe Nanoparticles Containing ppm Levels of Reusable Pd, under Mild Aqueous Micellar Conditions》, the research content is summarized as follows. Nanoparticles derived from FeCl3 containing the ligand XPhos and only 500 ppm Pd effect Sonogashira couplings in water between rt and 45°. The entire aqueous reaction medium can be easily recycled using an “in-flask” extraction Several tandem processes in one pot are illustrated, including a sequence involving five steps (10 reactions) in good overall yield.

COA of Formula: C6H6BrN, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Hickey, David P. team published research on Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2019 | 5315-25-3

Related Products of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

At 25 °C pyridine has a viscosity of 0.88 mPa/s and thermal conductivity of 0.166 W·m−1·K−1. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. The enthalpy of vaporization is 35.09 kJ·mol−1 at the boiling point and normal pressure.The enthalpy of fusion is 8.28 kJ·mol−1 at the melting point. Related Products of 5315-25-3.

Hickey, David P.;Sandford, Christopher;Rhodes, Zayn;Gensch, Tobias;Fries, Lydia R.;Sigman, Matthew S.;Minteer, Shelley D. research published 《 Investigating the Role of Ligand Electronics on Stabilizing Electrocatalytically Relevant Low-Valent Co(I) Intermediates》, the research content is summarized as follows. Cobalt complexes have shown great promise as electrocatalysts in applications ranging from hydrogen evolution to C-H functionalization. However, the use of such complexes often requires polydentate, bulky ligands to stabilize the catalytically active Co(I) oxidation state from deleterious disproportionation reactions to enable the desired reactivity. Herein, we describe the use of bidentate electronically asym. ligands as an alternative approach to stabilizing transient Co(I) species. Using disproportionation rates of electrochem. generated Co(I) complexes as a model for stability, we measured the relative stability of complexes prepared with a series of N,N-bidentate ligands. While the stability of Co(I)Cl complexes demonstrates a correlation with exptl. measured thermodn. properties, consistent with an outer-sphere electron transfer process, the set of ligated Co(I)Br complexes evaluated was found to be preferentially stabilized by electronically asym. ligands, demonstrating an alternative disproportionation mechanism. These results allow a greater understanding of the fundamental processes involved in the disproportionation of organometallic complexes and have allowed the identification of cobalt complexes that show promise for the development of novel electrocatalytic reactions.

Related Products of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Hoque, Emdadul Md team published research on Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2021 | 5315-25-3

Reference of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

The critical parameters of pyridine are pressure 6.70 MPa, temperature 620 K and volume 229 cm3·mol−1. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. In the temperature range 340–426 °C its vapor pressure p can be described with the Antoine equation.. Reference of 5315-25-3.

Hoque, Emdadul Md;Hassan, Mirja Mahamudul Md;Chattopadhyay, Buddhadeb research published 《 Remarkably Efficient Iridium Catalysts for Directed C(sp2)-H and C(sp3)-H Borylation of Diverse Classes of Substrates》, the research content is summarized as follows. Here we describe the discovery of a new class of C-H borylation catalysts and their use for regioselective C-H borylation of aromatic, heteroaromatic, and aliphatic systems. The new catalysts have Ir-C(thienyl) or Ir-C(furyl) anionic ligands instead of the diamine-type neutral chelating ligands used in the standard C-H borylation conditions. It is reported that the employment of these newly discovered catalysts show excellent reactivity and ortho-selectivity for diverse classes of aromatic substrates with high isolated yields. Moreover, the catalysts proved to be efficient for a wide number of aliphatic substrates for selective C(sp3)-H bond borylations. Heterocyclic mols. are selectively borylated using the inherently elevated reactivity of the C-H bonds. A number of late-stage C-H functionalization have been described using the same catalysts. Furthermore, we show that one of the catalysts could be used even in open air for the C(sp2)-H and C(sp3)-H borylations enabling the method more general. Preliminary mechanistic studies suggest that the active catalytic intermediate is the Ir(bis)boryl complex, and the attached ligand acts as bidentate ligand. Collectively, this study underlines the discovery of new class of C-H borylation catalysts that should find wide application in the context of C-H functionalization chem.

Reference of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Horan, Alexandra M. team published research on Organic Letters in 2021 | 5315-25-3

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., SDS of cas: 5315-25-3

Pyridine is diamagnetic and has a diamagnetic susceptibility of −48.7 × 10−6 cm3·mol−1.The molecular electric dipole moment is 2.2 debyes. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. TThe standard enthalpy of formation is 100.2 kJ·mol−1 in the liquid phase and 140.4 kJ·mol−1 in the gas phase. SDS of cas: 5315-25-3.

Horan, Alexandra M.;Duong, Vincent K.;McGarrigle, Eoghan M. research published 《 Synthesis of Bis-heteroaryls Using Grignard Reagents and Pyridylsulfonium Salts》, the research content is summarized as follows. Herein ligand-coupling reactions of Grignard reagents with pyridylsulfonium salts I (R = H, Br, Me, trifluoromethyl; R1 = H, OMe, CN, Br, etc.; R2 = H, trifluoromethyl; R3 = H, Me; R2R3 = -(CH=CH-CH=CH)-) and phenyl(pyrimidin-2-yl)(p-tolyl)sulfonium trifluoromethanesulfonate are reported. The method has wide functional group tolerance and enables the formation of bis-heterocycle linkages including 2,4′-bipyridines, 2,3′-bipyridines, and 2,2′-bipyridines, as well as pyridines linked to pyrimidines, pyrazines, isoxazoles, and benzothiophenes II (R4 = 2-fluoropyridin-4-yl, pyrazin-2-yl, dimethyl-1,2-oxazol-4-yl, 1-benzothiophen-2-yl, etc.). The methodol. was successfully applied to the synthesis of the natural products caerulomycin A and E.

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., SDS of cas: 5315-25-3

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Gujral, Gurjeet team published research on Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry in 2021 | 5315-25-3

Recommanded Product: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

The critical parameters of pyridine are pressure 6.70 MPa, temperature 620 K and volume 229 cm3·mol−1. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. In the temperature range 340–426 °C its vapor pressure p can be described with the Antoine equation.. Recommanded Product: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine.

Gujral, Gurjeet;Bhasin, K. K.;Gulati, Shivani research published 《 A new synthetic methodology for the preparation 2-Pyridyl anisyl/benzyl selenides: X-Ray Crystal Structure of 2-(4-Methyl pyridyl)tolyl selenide》, the research content is summarized as follows. An effective methodol. for the synthesis of these selenides had been developed by reacting dianisyl/dibenzyl diselenide with substituted/unsubstituted 2-pyridyl halides in the presence of activated magnesium metal, Cu2O, and bipyridyl in DMF at 110°C for 18-20 h. The newly synthesized 2-pyridyl anisyl/benzyl selenides were either viscous liquids or crystalline solids that were stable at room temperature for several months without decomposition These were fully characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, namely, NMR (1H, 13C, and 77Se), IR, and mass spectroscopy. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of 2-(4-methylpyridyl) tolyl selenide was carried out to know the structural details of the mol. and well-defined diffraction quality crystals of 2-(4-Me pyridyl)tolyl selenide were obtained by slow evaporation of saturated solution of the compound in hexane-dichloromethane solvent mixture (4:1, volume/volume).

Recommanded Product: 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Gujral, Gurjeet team published research on Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements in 2022 | 5315-25-3

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Synthetic Route of 5315-25-3

Pyridine is colorless, but older or impure samples can appear yellow. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. The pyridine ring occurs in many important compounds, including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and vitamins. Historically, pyridine was produced from coal tar. Synthetic Route of 5315-25-3.

Gujral, Gurjeet;Bhasin, Aman K. K.;Bhasin, K. K.;Gulati, Shivani research published 《 Syntheses, characterization, and single crystal X-ray analysis of 2-pyridyl aryl selenium (IV) bromides and chlorides》, the research content is summarized as follows. A variety of sym. and unsym. 2-pyridyl aryl selenium (IV) chlorides or bromides were prepared by the dropwise addition of a dilute solution of bromine or sulfuryl chloride to the corresponding 2-pyridyl aryl selenide in dried organic solvent with continuous stirring at 0°. Removal of the solvent under reduced pressure gave, 2-pyridyl aryl selenium (IV) bromides or chlorides, resp., in quant. yields. The titled dihalides prepared were characterized by elemental anal., spectroscopic studies, and single crystal x-ray anal. Single crystal x-ray anal. revealed that the 2-pyridyl aryl selenium (IV) bromides/chlorides have a distorted trigonal bipyramidal structure. The pyridyl and Ph rings along with a lone pair of electrons on selenium are at equatorial positions whereas chloride/bromide atoms at axial positions of the distorted trigonal bipyramidal structure.

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Synthetic Route of 5315-25-3

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Guo, Shi-Yu team published research on Nature Communications in | 5315-25-3

Application In Synthesis of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH−) replaced by a nitrogen atom. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. It is a highly flammable, weakly alkaline, water-miscible liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like smell. Application In Synthesis of 5315-25-3.

Guo, Shi-Yu;Yang, Fan;Song, Ting-Ting;Guan, Yu-Qing;Min, Xiang-Ting;Ji, Ding-Wei;Hu, Yan-Cheng;Chen, Qing-An research published 《 Photo-induced catalytic halopyridylation of alkenes》, the research content is summarized as follows. Here an atom-economical cross-coupling of halopyridines such as 2-chloropyridine, 2-iodopyridine, 2-bromo-6-methylpyridine, etc. and unactivated alkenes such as hex-1-ene, cyclopentene, ethenylcyclohexane, etc. under photo-redox catalysis to afford a series of alkene halopyridylation products e.g., I was reported. This protocol with mild and redox neutral conditions contributes broad substrate scope. As a complement to conventional Heck-type reaction, this radical process avoids the involvement of β-H elimination and thus useful pyridyl and halide groups could be simultaneously and regioselectively incorporated onto alkenes. The success depends on TFA-promoted domino photocatalytic oxidative quenching activation and radical-polar crossover pathway. Plausible mechanism is proposed based on mechanistic investigations. Moreover, the reserved C-X bonds of these products are beneficial for performing further synthetic elaborations.

Application In Synthesis of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Duong, Vincent K. team published research on Organic Letters in 2020 | 5315-25-3

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Safety of 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine

Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH−) replaced by a nitrogen atom. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. It is a highly flammable, weakly alkaline, water-miscible liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like smell. Safety of 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine.

Duong, Vincent K.;Horan, Alexandra M.;McGarrigle, Eoghan M. research published 《 Synthesis of Pyridylsulfonium Salts and Their Application in the Formation of Functionalized Bipyridines》, the research content is summarized as follows. An S-selective arylation of pyridylsulfides with good functional group tolerance was developed. To demonstrate synthetic utility, the resulting pyridylsulfonium salts were used in a scalable transition-metal-free coupling protocol, yielding functionalized bipyridines with extensive functional group tolerance. This modular methodol. permits selective introduction of functional groups from com. available pyridyl halides, furnishing sym. and unsym. 2,2′- and 2,3′-bipyridines. Iterative application of the methodol. enabled the synthesis of a functionalized terpyridine with three different pyridine components.

5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., Safety of 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem