Electronic substituent effect on Se-H璺矾璺疦 hydrogen bond: A computational study of para-substituted pyridine-SeH2 complexes was written by Jaju, Karan;Pal, Dhritabrata;Chakraborty, Amrita;Chakraborty, Shamik. And the article was included in Chemical Physics Letters: X in 2019.Safety of Pyridin-4-ol This article mentions the following:
Complexes between para-substituted pyridine and SeH2 have been investigated at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. Various electron donating and withdrawing substituents (-NH2, -OH, -CH3, -H, -F, -Cl, -CN, and -NO2) are chosen in order to characterize their influence on Se-H璺矾璺疦 intermol. hydrogen-bonding interaction. The electron donating substituents lead to an increase of the stabilization energy along with elongation in the Se-H bond length and red-shift in Se-H stretching frequency. Conventional electronic substitution effect has been observed on various hydrogen-bond parameters, such as, stabilization energy, change in Se-H bond length and stretching frequency, charge transfer, bond order, electron d. at hydrogen-bond critical point. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, Pyridin-4-ol (cas: 626-64-2Safety of Pyridin-4-ol).
Pyridin-4-ol (cas: 626-64-2) belongs to pyridine derivatives. Pyridine has a dipole moment and a weaker resonant stabilization than benzene (resonance energy 117 kJ璺痬ol閳? in pyridine vs. 150 kJ璺痬ol閳? in benzene). Reduced pyridines, namely tetrahydropyridines, dihydropyridines and piperidines, are found in numerous natural and synthetic compounds. The synthesis and reactivity of these compounds have often been driven by the fact many of these compounds have interesting and unique pharmacological properties. Safety of Pyridin-4-ol