Micellar, interfacial and fluorescence investigation on binary mixtures of dodecyl cationic surfactants in aqueous media was written by Moulins, Jonathan R.;Harris, Adam A.;Dean, Rebecca K.;Moore, Stephanie A.;Palepu, Rama M.. And the article was included in Colloids and Surfaces, A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects in 2007.Product Details of 104-73-4 This article mentions the following:
The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of binary mixtures of C12-triphenyl phosphonium, pyridinium and tri-Me ammonium bromides were determined employing conductometry, surface tensiometry and fluorescence techniques. Binary mixtures of C12 phosphonium bromide with C12 tri-Me ammonium and pyridinium bromide surfactants exhibited 2nd breaks due to the structural micellar transition, and are supported by conductometric and fluorometric methods. The values of surface excess, min. area of the C12 surfactants at the cmc and Gibbs energy of adsorption were evaluated. The ideality/nonideality of the mixing was analyzed using regular solution theory (RST) to obtain the composition of the mixed micelle and the interaction parameter (β m) to evaluate the strength of interactions of surfactants in the mixed micelles. The tensiometric measurements were also analyzed to obtain the interaction parameter (β σ) for the mixed monolayer at the air/water interface. Activity coefficients and the excess free energy of mixing were also determined In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 1-Dodecylpyridin-1-ium bromide (cas: 104-73-4Product Details of 104-73-4).
1-Dodecylpyridin-1-ium bromide (cas: 104-73-4) belongs to pyridine derivatives. Pyridine’s the lone pair does not contribute to the aromatic system but importantly influences the chemical properties of pyridine, as it easily supports bond formation via an electrophilic attack. Several pyridine derivatives play important roles in biological systems. While its biosynthesis is not fully understood, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) occurs in some bacteria, fungi, and mammals.Product Details of 104-73-4