Santoro, Antonio team published research in Chemistry – A European Journal in 2020 | 5315-25-3

Reference of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

In contrast to benzene, Pyridine’s electron density is not evenly distributed over the ring, reflecting the negative inductive effect of the nitrogen atom. 5315-25-3, formula is C6H6BrN, Name is 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine. For this reason, pyridine has a dipole moment and a weaker resonant stabilization than benzene (resonance energy 117 kJ·mol−1 in pyridine vs. 150 kJ·mol−1 in benzene). Reference of 5315-25-3.

Santoro, Antonio;Holub, Jan;Fik-Jaskolka, Marta A.;Vantomme, Ghislaine;Lehn, Jean-Marie research published 《 Dynamic Helicates Self-Assembly from Homo- and Heterotopic Dynamic Covalent Ligand Strands》, the research content is summarized as follows. The understanding and the application of reversible covalent reactions and coordination chem. together with the proper design of the mol. frameworks, allow to achieve not only well-defined output architectures but also different grades of complex behavior. In this work, the dynamic nature of the helical systems offers an addnl. level of complexity by combining self-sorting on two levels: (1) the build-up of the ligand strand constituents from their components through dynamic covalent chem.; (2) the assembly of the helicates from the ligands and the metal cations through dynamic metallo-supramol. chem. The information encoded in the ligands constituent mol. was read differently (and accurately at the same time) by metal cations that varied in the coordination algorithms. It enabled the selective formation of a specific type of helicates from a wide library of helicates formed by the possible combination of subcomponents. Ligands containing dynamic tridentate and/or bidentate binding motifs in the same strand were studied to explore the helicates self-assembly with appropriate metal cations.

Reference of 5315-25-3, 2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine (2BMPy) is a bromopyridine derivative. It is formed when 2-chloro-6-methylpyridine is heated with bromotrimethylsilane. Its synthesis from various methods have been reported.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is a building block in the preparation of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds.
2-Bromo-6-methylpyridine is an organic compound that belongs to the group of pyridinium halides. It is soluble in common solvents such as water, ethanol, and acetone. 2BMPy has been shown to act as a glutamate receptor antagonist and has been used in the study of glutamate receptors, including their subtypes. This chemical has also been shown to have antioxidant properties and can be used in the prevention of atherosclerosis., 5315-25-3.

Pyridine – Wikipedia,
Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem