Effect of a cationic surfactant on the volatilization of PAHs from soil was written by Lu, Li;Zhu, Lizhong. And the article was included in Environmental Science and Pollution Research in 2012.Category: pyridine-derivatives This article mentions the following:
Cationic surfactants are common in soils because of their use in daily cosmetic and cleaning products, and their use as a soil amendment for the mitigation and remediation of organic contaminated soils has been proposed. Such surfactant may affect the transfer and fate of organic contaminants in the environment. This study investigated the effect of a cationic surfactant, dodecylpyridinium bromide (DDPB), on the volatilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from a paddy soil. The volatilization of PAHs from moist soil amended with different concentrations of DDPB was tested in an open system. The specific effects of DDPB on the liquid-vapor and solid-vapor equilibrium of PAHs were sep. investigated in closed systems by headspace anal. DDPB affects both liquid-vapor and solid-vapor processes of PAHs in soil. At DDPB concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), movement of PAHs from the bulk solution to the gas-liquid interface appeared to be facilitated by interaction between PAHs and the surfactant monomers adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface, promoting the volatilization of PAHs from solution However, when DDPB was greater than the CMC, volatilization was inhibited due to the solubilization of PAHs by micelles. On the other hand, the formation of sorbed surfactant significantly inhibited the solid-vapor volatilization of PAHs. The overall effect of the two simultaneous effects of DDPB on liquid-vapor and solid-vapor processes was a decreased volatilization loss of PAHs from soil. Inhibition of PAH volatilization was more significant for the soil with a lower moisture content. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 1-Dodecylpyridin-1-ium bromide (cas: 104-73-4Category: pyridine-derivatives).
1-Dodecylpyridin-1-ium bromide (cas: 104-73-4) belongs to pyridine derivatives. Pyridines are an important class of heterocycles and occur in polysubstituted forms in many naturally occurring biologically active compounds, drug molecules and chiral ligands. Pyridine groups exist in countless molecules, and their applications include catalysis, drug design, molecular recognition, and natural product synthesis.Category: pyridine-derivatives