Kaess, Bernhard M et al. published their research in Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology in 2019 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to action potentials, adult, atrioventricular block: genetics, atrioventricular block: physiopathology, atrioventricular block: therapy, bundle-branch block: genetics, bundle-branch block: physiopathology, bundle-branch block: therapy, cardiac conduction system disease: diagnosis, cardiac conduction system disease: genetics and other aspects.Formula: C20H24N2O4

On June 20, 2019, Kaess, Bernhard M; Andersson, Charlotte; Duncan, Meredith S; Larson, Martin G; Aasbjerg, Kristian; Gislason, Gunnar H; Torp-Pedersen, Christian; Vasan, Ramachandran S published an article.Formula: C20H24N2O4 The title of the article was Familial Clustering of Cardiac Conduction Defects and Pacemaker Insertion.. And the article contained the following:

BACKGROUND: The etiopathogenesis of electrocardiographic bundle branch and atrioventricular blocks is not fully understood. We investigated familial clustering of cardiac conduction defects and pacemaker insertion in the FHS (Framingham Heart Study). Additionally, we assessed familial clustering of pacemaker insertion in the Danish general population. METHODS: In FHS, we used multivariable-adjusted logistic regression models to investigate the association of parental atrioventricular block (PR interval, ≥0.2 s), complete bundle branch block (QRS, ≥0.12 s), or pacemaker insertion with the occurrence of cardiac conduction abnormalities in their offspring. The Danish nationwide administrative registries were interrogated to assess the relations of parental pacemaker insertion with offspring pacemaker insertion. RESULTS: In FHS (n=371 cases with first-degree atrioventricular block, complete bundle branch block, or pacemaker insertion, and 1471 age- and sex-matched controls), individuals with at least 1 affected parent with a conduction defect had a 1.65-fold odds (odds ratio, 95% CI, 1.32-2.07) for manifesting an atrioventricular block and a 1.62-fold odds (95% CI, 1.08-2.42) for developing a complete bundle branch block. If at least 1 parent had any electrocardiographic conduction defect or pacemaker insertion, the offspring had a 1.62-fold odds (95% CI, 1.31-2.00) for experiencing any of these conditions. In Denmark (n=2 824 199 individuals; 5397 incident pacemaker implantations), individuals with at least 1 first-degree relative with history of pacemaker insertion had a multivariable-adjusted 1.68-fold (incidence rate ratio, 95% CI, 1.49-1.89) risk of undergoing a pacemaker insertion. If the affected relative was ≤45 years of age, the incidence rate ratio was markedly increased to 51.0 (95% CI, 32.7-79.9). CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac conduction blocks and risk for pacemaker insertion cluster within families. A family history of conduction system disturbance or pacemaker insertion should trigger increased awareness of a similar propensity in other family members, especially so when the conduction system disease occurs at a younger age. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Formula: C20H24N2O4

The Article related to action potentials, adult, atrioventricular block: genetics, atrioventricular block: physiopathology, atrioventricular block: therapy, bundle-branch block: genetics, bundle-branch block: physiopathology, bundle-branch block: therapy, cardiac conduction system disease: diagnosis, cardiac conduction system disease: genetics and other aspects.Formula: C20H24N2O4

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Batsis, J A et al. published their research in European journal of clinical nutrition in 2016 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to activities of daily living, aged, aging, cross-sectional studies, databases, factual, female, humans, male, middle aged, muscle weakness: epidemiology, muscle weakness: physiopathology, national institutes of health (u.s.), retirement, sarcopenia: epidemiology, sarcopenia: physiopathology, surveys and questionnaires and other aspects.Formula: C20H24N2O4

On June 1, 2016, Batsis, J A; Germain, C M; Vásquez, E; Bartels, S J published an article.Formula: C20H24N2O4 The title of the article was Prevalence of weakness and its relationship with limitations based on the Foundations for the National Institutes for Health project: data from the Health and Retirement Study.. And the article contained the following:

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of muscle weakness using the two 2014 Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) Sarcopenia Project criteria and its relationship with physical limitations, basic activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL. SUBJECTS/METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of community-dwelling adults from the Health and Retirement Study 2006-2008 and identified a subsample of 5092 adults aged ⩾60 years with grip strength (GS) data. Self-reported physical limitations, basic ADL and instrumental ADL were assessed. Criteria for GS (men<26 kg; women <16 kg) and GS adjusted for body mass index (GS/BMI; men <1.0; women <0.56) were applied to the sample. We determined the prevalence of muscle weakness in each sex. Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate the association of physical limitations, basic ADL and instrument ADL with weakness definitions in each sex. RESULTS: Mean age was 72.1 years (54.9% female). Mean GS was 38.3 and 22.9 kg and mean BMI was 29 kg/m2, respectively, in men and women. Weakness prevalence using GS and GS:BMI definitions were 7.8 and 15.2 (P<0.001), respectively, in men and 11.4 and 13.3% (P=0.04) in women. Overall prevalence of physical limitations, basic ADL limitations and instrumental ADL limitations was 52.9, 28.1 and 35.9%, respectively. In those with weakness, prevalence of physical limitations, basic ADL and instrumental ADL was 78.5, 42.3 and 65.3%, respectively, using the GS definition, and 79.7, 40.7 and 58.8%, respectively, using the GS/BMI definition. GS and the GS/BMI definitions of weakness were strongly associated with physical limitations (odds ratio (OR) 2.19 (95% confidence interval (CI): (1.67-2.87)) and 2.52 (2.01-3.17)), basic ADL (OR 1.59 (1.22-2.07) and 1.66 (1.32-2.07)) and instrumental ADLs (OR 1.98 (1.28-2.54) and 1.78 (1.44-2.20)). CONCLUSIONS: The new FNIH guidelines for weakness are associated with higher prevalence of physical limitations, basic ADL impairments and instrumental ADL impairments as compared with individuals without weakness. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Formula: C20H24N2O4

The Article related to activities of daily living, aged, aging, cross-sectional studies, databases, factual, female, humans, male, middle aged, muscle weakness: epidemiology, muscle weakness: physiopathology, national institutes of health (u.s.), retirement, sarcopenia: epidemiology, sarcopenia: physiopathology, surveys and questionnaires and other aspects.Formula: C20H24N2O4

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Portelli Tremont, Jaclyn N et al. published their research in The Journal of surgical research in 2020 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to adolescent, adult, comorbidity, female, hospital mortality, humans, hypertension: diagnosis, hypertension: epidemiology, incidental findings, intensive care units: statistics & numerical data, male, north carolina: geographic, north carolina: epidemiology, odds ratio, patient readmission: statistics & numerical data and other aspects.Related Products of 132-20-7

On August 12, 2020, Portelli Tremont, Jaclyn N; Orleans, Brian; Strassle, Paula D; Dreesen, Elizabeth B; Brownstein, Michelle R published an article.Related Products of 132-20-7 The title of the article was Hypertension in the Young Adult Trauma Population: Rethinking the Traditional “Incidentaloma”.. And the article contained the following:

BACKGROUND: Hypertension (HTN) is a treatable and preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is often overlooked in young adults. As a result, young patients with HTN may enter the health care system as a trauma without a preexisting diagnosis. The potential impact of HTN (diagnosed and undiagnosed) on trauma outcomes is not known. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients aged 18-39 y from the 2013-2017 North Carolina Trauma Registry were included. Patients were stratified as having no HTN, previously diagnosed HTN (PD-HTN), or newly diagnosed HTN (ND-HTN) during a trauma admission. Multivariable logistic and linear regression compared inpatient outcomes between patients with and without HTN, as well as ND-HTN and PD-HTN. RESULTS: Six percent of trauma patients were diagnosed with HTN (n = 1906; 14% ND-HTN). Those with HTN were more likely to have an inpatient complication (odds ratio [OR]: 1.65, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.32-2.07) and intensive care unit stay (OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.12-1.46) compared with patients without HTN. Compared with PD-HTN, those with ND-HTN were more likely to present with extreme injury. In addition, patients with ND-HTN had higher odds of inpatient complications (OR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.18-3.22) and 30-d readmission (OR: 2.00, 95% CI: 0.95-4.20) after accounting for demographics and injury severity. CONCLUSIONS: More than 10% of young adult trauma patients with HTN are not diagnosed before admission. HTN appears to have a detrimental impact on patient outcomes, with newly diagnosed patients having the worst outcomes. Trauma may serve as an opportunity for the diagnosis and treatment of HTN in young adults. Future studies should assess the impact of intervention on trauma outcomes. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Related Products of 132-20-7

The Article related to adolescent, adult, comorbidity, female, hospital mortality, humans, hypertension: diagnosis, hypertension: epidemiology, incidental findings, intensive care units: statistics & numerical data, male, north carolina: geographic, north carolina: epidemiology, odds ratio, patient readmission: statistics & numerical data and other aspects.Related Products of 132-20-7

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Wahabi, Hayfaa et al. published their research in BioMed research international in 2017 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to adult, birth weight, cesarean section, cohort studies, diabetes, gestational: epidemiology, diabetes, gestational: physiopathology, female, humans, pregnancy, pregnancy complications: epidemiology, pregnancy complications: physiopathology, pregnancy outcome: epidemiology, premature birth: epidemiology and other aspects.Recommanded Product: 132-20-7

On March 12, 2017, Wahabi, Hayfaa; Fayed, Amel; Esmaeil, Samia; Mamdouh, Heba; Kotb, Reham published an article.Recommanded Product: 132-20-7 The title of the article was Prevalence and Complications of Pregestational and Gestational Diabetes in Saudi Women: Analysis from Riyadh Mother and Baby Cohort Study (RAHMA).. And the article contained the following:

The objectives of this study were to estimate the burden of diabetes and to explore the adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with pregestational diabetes mellitus (pre-GDM) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among the Saudi pregnant population. In this subcohort, we compared the maternal and the neonatal outcomes of diabetic women with pre-GDM and GDM to the outcomes of nondiabetic mothers who delivered during the same period. From the total cohort, 9723 women participated in this study. Of the participants, 24.2% had GDM, 4.3% had pre-GDM, and 6951 were nondiabetic. After adjustment for confounders, women with GDM had increased odds of delivering a macrosomic baby (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2-2.1). Women with pre-GDM were more likely to deliver by Cesarean section (OR: 1.65; CI: 1.32-2.07) and to have preterm delivery < 37 weeks (OR: 2.1; CI: 1.5-2.8). Neonates of mothers with pre-GDM were at increased risk of being stillbirth (OR: 3.66; CI: 1.98-6.72), at increased risk of admission to NICU (OR: 2.21; CI: 1.5-3.27), and at increased risk for being macrosomic (OR: 2.40; CI: 1.50-3.8). The prevalence of GDM and pre-GDM in the Saudi pregnant population is among the highest in the world. The conditions are associated with high maternal and neonatal morbidities and mortalities. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Recommanded Product: 132-20-7

The Article related to adult, birth weight, cesarean section, cohort studies, diabetes, gestational: epidemiology, diabetes, gestational: physiopathology, female, humans, pregnancy, pregnancy complications: epidemiology, pregnancy complications: physiopathology, pregnancy outcome: epidemiology, premature birth: epidemiology and other aspects.Recommanded Product: 132-20-7

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Ramos, Priscila Figueiredo Cruz et al. published their research in Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung in 2021 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to brazil: geographic, brazil: epidemiology, child, preschool, cross-sectional studies, female, humans, male, only child: statistics & numerical data, parents, prevalence, respiration disorders: epidemiology, risk factors, sleep bruxism: epidemiology, sleep bruxism: genetics, surveys and questionnaires and other aspects.SDS of cas: 132-20-7

On January 4, 2021, Ramos, Priscila Figueiredo Cruz; de Lima, Marina de Deus Moura; de Moura, Marcoeli Silva; Bendo, Cristiane Baccin; Moura, Lúcia de Fátima Almeida de Deus; Lima, Cacilda Castelo Branco published an article.SDS of cas: 132-20-7 The title of the article was Breathing problems, being an only child and having parents with possible sleep bruxism are associated with probable sleep bruxism in preschoolers: a population-based study.. And the article contained the following:

PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of probable sleep bruxism (SB) in preschoolers and associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional, population-based study was carried out with 862 dyads of parents/preschoolers aged 5 from Teresina, Brazil. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire answered by parents/guardians about socioeconomic, demographic, and health condition data. Each child was examined for diagnosis of probable SB based on the presence of dental wear associated or not with the report of teeth grinding by parents/guardians. The analysis of independent variables was stratified into four levels of determinants: demographic characteristics of the child (distal), characteristics of the family, environmental factors (intermediate), and health conditions (proximal). Descriptive analysis and bivariate and multivariate Poisson’s regression were performed using a hierarchical approach (p < 0.05). RESULTS: The prevalence of probable SB was 36%. In the final adjusted multivariate hierarchical model, a preschooler who was the only child (PR = 1.25; 95%CI = 1.02-1.51), with breathing problems (PR = 1.43; 95%CI = 1.19-1.73), and having parents/guardians with possible sleep bruxism (PR = 1.65; 95%CI = 1.32-2.07) had a higher prevalence of probable SB. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of probable SB in preschoolers was high and associated with the condition of being an only child, the presence of breathing problems, and having parents/guardians with possible sleep bruxism. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).SDS of cas: 132-20-7

The Article related to brazil: geographic, brazil: epidemiology, child, preschool, cross-sectional studies, female, humans, male, only child: statistics & numerical data, parents, prevalence, respiration disorders: epidemiology, risk factors, sleep bruxism: epidemiology, sleep bruxism: genetics, surveys and questionnaires and other aspects.SDS of cas: 132-20-7

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Farrow, Sarah et al. published their research in Pediatric pulmonology in 2019 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to canada: geographic, canada: epidemiology, congenital abnormalities: epidemiology, deglutition, female, hospitalization, humans, incidence, infant, inuits, larynx: abnormalities, male, prevalence, respiratory aspiration: epidemiology, respiratory tract infections: epidemiology, retrospective studies and other aspects.Computed Properties of 132-20-7

On July 16, 2019, Farrow, Sarah; Agarwal, Amisha; Saban, Jeremy; Scott, Darcy; Barrowman, Nick; Kovesi, Thomas published an article.Computed Properties of 132-20-7 The title of the article was Oral aspiration, type 1 laryngeal cleft, and respiratory tract infections in canadian inuit children.. And the article contained the following:

Canadian Inuit infants suffer the highest rate of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI’s) in the world. The causes of this are incompletely understood. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether there exists an association between respiratory morbidity and oral aspiration in Inuit children. A retrospective chart review was conducted including children from Nunavut who underwent Video Fluoroscopic Swallowing Study between the years of 2001 to 2015. The primary outcome was hospitalization for LRTI. We hypothesized that infants found to have aspiration would experience a higher rate of admissions for LRTI than those with normal swallowing studies. One-hundred and twenty-seven patients were identified, of whom 94 were included. Fifty-six percent of patients had an abnormal swallowing study. Compared with patients with normal swallowing, the incidence rate of LRTI was higher in patients with aspiration (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 1.51; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.23-1.87) and in patients with penetration (IRR = 1.40; 95% CI = 1.11-1.76). Fourteen percent of patients had confirmed laryngeal cleft; patients with confirmed presence of this also had a higher incidence rate of LRTI (IRR = 1.66; 95% CI = 1.32-2.07). The incidence of abnormal swallowing study showed an 11-fold variation across the five regions in Nunavut, with the highest prevalence in west Qikiqtani Region (Baffin Island). We conclude that swallowing dysfunction is not only prevalent amongst Canadian Inuit but clinically significant. This is the first study to demonstrate an association between swallowing dysfunction and respiratory morbidity in this population. Geographic distribution patterns and high rates of laryngeal cleft may point to a potential genetic etiology for what remains at this point, idiopathic swallowing dysfunction. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Computed Properties of 132-20-7

The Article related to canada: geographic, canada: epidemiology, congenital abnormalities: epidemiology, deglutition, female, hospitalization, humans, incidence, infant, inuits, larynx: abnormalities, male, prevalence, respiratory aspiration: epidemiology, respiratory tract infections: epidemiology, retrospective studies and other aspects.Computed Properties of 132-20-7

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Tao, Lixin et al. published their research in BMC public health in 2018 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to adolescent, adult, aged, beijing: geographic, beijing: epidemiology, cross-sectional studies, feeding behavior: physiology, female, humans, logistic models, male, metabolic syndrome: epidemiology, middle aged, odds ratio, prevalence, risk factors, self report, time, young adult and other aspects.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

On July 11, 2018, Tao, Lixin; Yang, Kun; Huang, Fangfang; Liu, Xiangtong; Li, Xia; Luo, Yanxia; Wu, Lijuan; Guo, Xiuhua published an article.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4 The title of the article was Association between self-reported eating speed and metabolic syndrome in a Beijing adult population: a cross-sectional study.. And the article contained the following:

BACKGROUND: Research on the relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS), its components and eating speed is limited in China. The present study aimed to clarify the association between MetS, its components and eating speed in a Beijing adult population. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 7972 adults who were 18-65 years old and who received health check-ups at the Beijing Physical Examination Center in 2016. Logistic regression was conducted to explore the associations between MetS, its components and eating speed. RESULTS: The prevalence of MetS in this population was 24.65% (36.02% for males and 10.18% for females). Eating speed was significantly associated with a high risk for MetS, elevated blood pressure, and central obesity for both genders. Eating speed was associated with a high risk for elevated triglycerides and with a reduction in high-density lipoprotein in males, and eating speed was associated with a high risk for elevated fasting plasma glucose in females. Compared with slow eating speed, the multivariate-adjusted odds ratios of medium eating speed and fast eating speed for MetS were 1.65 (95% confidence interval 1.32-2.07) and 2.27 (95% confidence interval 1.80-2.86) for all subjects, 1.58 (95% confidence interval 1.21-2.07) and 2.21 (95% confidence interval 1.69-2.91) for males, and 1.75 (95% confidence interval 1.15-2.68) and 2.27 (95% confidence interval 1.46-3.53) for females, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Eating speed is positively associated with MetS and its components. Future recommendations aiming to prevent MetS and its components may focus on eating speed. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

The Article related to adolescent, adult, aged, beijing: geographic, beijing: epidemiology, cross-sectional studies, feeding behavior: physiology, female, humans, logistic models, male, metabolic syndrome: epidemiology, middle aged, odds ratio, prevalence, risk factors, self report, time, young adult and other aspects.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem

Jørgensen, N et al. published their research in International journal of andrology in 2011 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to adolescent, adult, child, finland: geographic, finland: epidemiology, gonadal dysgenesis: epidemiology, humans, male, middle aged, registries, semen: cytology, sperm count, sperm motility, spermatozoa: abnormalities, spermatozoa: pathology, testicular neoplasms: epidemiology and other aspects.Related Products of 132-20-7

On March 2, 2011, Jørgensen, N; Vierula, M; Jacobsen, R; Pukkala, E; Perheentupa, A; Virtanen, H E; Skakkebaek, N E; Toppari, J published an article.Related Products of 132-20-7 The title of the article was Recent adverse trends in semen quality and testis cancer incidence among Finnish men.. And the article contained the following:

Impaired semen quality and testicular cancer may be linked through a testicular dysgenesis syndrome of foetal origin. The incidence of testis cancer has been shown to increase among Finnish men, whereas there is no recent publication describing temporal trends in semen quality. Therefore, we carried out a prospective semen quality study and a registry study of testis cancer incidence among Finnish men to explore recent trends. A total of 858 men were investigated in the semen quality study during 1998-2006. Median sperm concentrations were 67 (95% CI 57-80) million/mL, 60 (51-71) and 48 (39-60) for birth cohorts 1979-81, 1982-83 and 1987; total sperm counts 227 (189-272) million, 202 (170-240) and 165 (132-207); total number of morphologically normal spermatozoa 18 (14-23) million, 15 (12-19) and 11 (8-15). Men aged 10-59 years at the time of diagnosis with testicular cancer during 1954-2008 were included in the registry study, which confirmed the increasing incidence of testicular cancer in recent cohorts. These simultaneous and rapidly occurring adverse trends suggest that the underlying causes are environmental and, as such, preventable. Our findings necessitate not only further surveillance of male reproductive health but also research to detect and remove the underlying factors. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Related Products of 132-20-7

The Article related to adolescent, adult, child, finland: geographic, finland: epidemiology, gonadal dysgenesis: epidemiology, humans, male, middle aged, registries, semen: cytology, sperm count, sperm motility, spermatozoa: abnormalities, spermatozoa: pathology, testicular neoplasms: epidemiology and other aspects.Related Products of 132-20-7

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Lin, Fengbin et al. published their research in Ophthalmology in 2022 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to glaucoma: complications, humans, intraocular pressure, longitudinal studies, myopia: complications, myopia: diagnosis, myopia: epidemiology, optic disk: pathology, retrospective studies, scotoma: diagnosis, vision disorders: pathology, visual field tests, visual fields and other aspects.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

On March 12, 2022, Lin, Fengbin; Chen, Shida; Song, Yunhe; Li, Fei; Wang, Wei; Zhao, Zhenni; Gao, Xinbo; Wang, Peiyuan; Jin, Ling; Liu, Yuhong; Chen, Meiling; Liang, Xiaohong; Yang, Bin; Ning, Guili; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Healey, Paul R; Park, Ki Ho; Zangwill, Linda M; Aung, Tin; Ohno-Matsui, Kyoko; Jonas, Jost B; Weinreb, Robert N; Zhang, Xiulan; Glaucoma Suspects with High Myopia Study Group published an article.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4 The title of the article was Classification of Visual Field Abnormalities in Highly Myopic Eyes without Pathologic Change.. And the article contained the following:

PURPOSE: To develop a classification system of visual field (VF) abnormalities in highly myopic eyes with and without glaucoma. DESIGN: Secondary analysis of VF data from a longitudinal cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: One thousand eight hundred ninety-three VF tests from 1302 eyes (825 individuals). METHODS: All participants underwent VF testing (Humphrey 24-2 Swedish interactive threshold algorithm standard program; Carl Zeiss Meditec) and detailed ophthalmic examination. A comprehensive set of VF defect patterns was defined via observation of the 1893 VF reports, literature review, and consensus meetings. The classification system comprised 4 major types of VF patterns, including normal type, glaucoma-like defects (paracentral defect, nasal step, partial arcuate defect, arcuate defect), high myopia-related defects (enlarged blind spot, vertical step, partial peripheral rim, nonspecific defect), and combined defects (nasal step with enlarged blind spot). A subset (n = 1000) of the VFs was used to evaluate the interobserver and intraobserver agreement and weighted κ values of the classification system by 2 trained readers. The prevalence of various VF patterns and their associated factors were determined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The classification of VF in highly myopic eyes and its associated risk factors. RESULTS: We found that normal type, glaucoma-like defects, high myopia-related defects, and combined defects accounted for 74.1%, 10.8%, 15.0%, and 0.1% of all unique VF tests, respectively. The interobserver and intraobserver agreements were > 89%, and the corresponding κ values were 0.86 or more between readers. Both glaucoma-like and high myopia-related VF defects were associated with older age (odds ratios [ORs], 1.07 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04-1.10; P < 0.001] and 1.06 [95% CI, 1.04-1.10; P < 0.001]) and longer axial length (ORs, 1.65 [95% CI, 1.32-2.07; P < 0.001] and 1.37 [95% CI, 1.11-1.68; P = 0.003]). Longer axial length showed a stronger effect on the prevalence of glaucoma-like VF defects than on the prevalence of high myopia-related VF defects (P = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: We propose a new and reproducible classification system of VF abnormalities for nonpathologic high myopia. Applying a comprehensive classification system will facilitate communication and comparison of findings among studies. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

The Article related to glaucoma: complications, humans, intraocular pressure, longitudinal studies, myopia: complications, myopia: diagnosis, myopia: epidemiology, optic disk: pathology, retrospective studies, scotoma: diagnosis, vision disorders: pathology, visual field tests, visual fields and other aspects.COA of Formula: C20H24N2O4

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Smith, Maggie et al. published their research in Community mental health journal in 2022 |CAS: 132-20-7

The Article related to incarceration, juvenile offenders, suicide, women offenders, adult, child, female, humans, male, mental disorders: epidemiology, prevalence, risk factors, suicide, attempted: psychology and other aspects.Quality Control of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate

On March 5, 2022, Smith, Maggie; Udo, Tomoko published an article.Quality Control of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate The title of the article was The Relationship Between Age at Incarceration and Lifetime Suicide Attempt Among a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults.. And the article contained the following:

To examine the association between age at incarceration and lifetime suicide attempt (SA), and whether it differs by gender. Lifetime prevalence of SA was compared between respondents with no incarceration, juvenile, and adult incarceration who completed the 2012-2013 National Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions-III (N = 36,107). We compared the odds of SA, adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, psychiatric disorders, and childhood adverse experiences, and stratified the results by gender. Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of SA relative to no incarceration history was 1.66 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.32-2.07) for adult incarceration and 2.00 (95% CI 1.49-2.70) for juvenile incarceration. AOR of SA relative to no incarceration history was 2.14 (95% CI 1.56-2.93) for adult and 2.15 (95% CI 1.38-3.35) for juvenile incarceration in women; it was 1.73 (95% CI 1.14-2.60) in juvenile incarceration relative to no incarceration history in men. A history of incarceration may increase SA, particularly among juvenile and women offenders. The experimental process involved the reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate(cas: 132-20-7).Quality Control of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate

The Article related to incarceration, juvenile offenders, suicide, women offenders, adult, child, female, humans, male, mental disorders: epidemiology, prevalence, risk factors, suicide, attempted: psychology and other aspects.Quality Control of N,N-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)propan-1-amine maleate

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Pyridine | C5H5N – PubChem